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Answers To Your Most Common Questions

  • Why should I test my patients?
    With testing, you know what is already in your patient's system and whether it is safe to prescribe a medication. Medication Monitoring prevents dangerous drug interactions and also determines if a patient is taking their medication as prescribed. Testing allows physicians to make swift and informed decisions regarding pain management. When patients are taking their medication as prescribed, it can control and reduce long term costs for the payers. Testing is a crucial link in the overall quality of chronic pain management for patients.
  • How soon do I know test results?
    Within five minutes you will know Rapid Test results for the twelve of the most commonly abused drugs. These results are obtained utilizing special CLIA-waived test cups. Physicians can prescribe and dispense pain medications with a higher degree of confidence while the patient is still in their office.
  • Do we need special equipment or facilities to collect the urine?
    No. Patients "self-collect" urine in an ordinary bathroom.
  • How do I tell if a patient is testing positive using the Rapid Test Cup?
    Results are easily interpreted by the presence or absence of colored lines in the test region. All Rapid Test positive results are presumptive and must be verified in our labs for confirmation.
  • Why does Toxicology Management Services confirm in-office tests with a laboratory report?
    While the Rapid Test cups are usually accurate, they do have the potential to give false positives and false negatives. The laboratory uses more sophisticated and accurate methods — Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) or Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS) to confirm the presence of drug compounds. The lab also quantitatively tests all positive results. Quantitative testing measures the amount of drug present. This valuable information helps you know if a patient is taking their medication as prescribed. In addition, the lab will test many other drugs beyond the 12 on the rapid test cup.
  • When will the confirmation results be available?
    Confirmation results are available within 24-48 hours of arrival at the lab for most tests. Tests with numerous positives may take a little longer because we perform additional quantitative testing. Our encrypted website allows you to track every stage of testing for each urine test you submit to Toxicology Management Services.
  • How do I obtain the laboratory results?
    Lab reports are available to you on our website as soon as they are complete. They are in a PDF format and may be immediately read, saved, or emailed. The lab report highlights unexpected results, making it concise and easy to read.
  • Can I bill for testing performed in my office?
    In many cases you are eligible for reimbursement for in-office tests and applicable reports. Reimbursement amounts vary by state and the test type. We have third party consultants that can proactively guide you through all the legal and regulatory steps necessary to maximize reimbursements.
  • Can I use my own billing staff or company?
    We will give your billers access to our online management software so they can effectively handle your internal billing.
  • How do I order supplies for my practice?
    It's as easy as phoning the Customer Service Department at (800) 599-6193 or emailing your account representative. Supplies are shipped or personally delivered to your preferred location
  • How is Oral Fluid Tested?
    Just like urine testing, screening is performed by immunoassay, and confirmation is performed by mass spectrometry. GC-MS and LC-MS/MS are two examples.
  • How is oral fluid different than urine?
    Specimen volume is much lower with oral fluid. Drug concentrations are present in lower levels in oral fluid than urine; therefore lower screening and confirmation levels are required. Oral fluid identifies the parent drug and sometimes the drug metabolite. Urine testing is targeted at the drug metabolite
  • What is the detection window for oral fluid?
    Depending on the drug used, dose, and other individual factors, drugs are generally detected shortly after use and up to 48 hours or more in routine testing. Some research has demonstrated that drugs can be detected in oral fluid up to several weeks.
  • Can a person dilute or adulterate an oral fluid specimen?
    The subject should not have had anything to eat or drink, or have anything in his/her mouth for 10 minutes prior to collection. The collection is observed to ensure that the subject cannot introduce something to the specimen during the collection. If these collection procedures are followed the chances of dilution and adulteration are virtually eliminated.
  • What is TeleTOX?
    A seamless drug testing solution, that allows you to continue your office protocols in a telehealth world. Providers order a test kit online. TMS ships the kit to the patient for self-collection and returns the kit to a partner laboratory. Results are available online.
  • Is there a cost for TeleTOX?
    There is no cost to the provider, patient, or insurance company for this added service.
  • What types of specimen is collected with TeleTOX?
    Providers have the option of urine or oral fluid collection with TeleTOX.
Medication Monitoring
When you work with TMS you get a complete team... We are not a lab.
Call for a Consultation: 800-599-6193

Toxicology Management Services LLC   |   543 Country Club Drive - B126   |   Simi Valley, California 93065

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